Friday, September 25, 2009

Front yard

I need some front yard landscaping ideas. I want to rip out the front bushes and the tree on the side (you can't really see it from the these pics) and get rid of the stump. This is a project for next year. I might just try and prune the bushes down really small and make them look more round and small. Or maybe i'll just rip them out. What else should I do? Small willow tree, ground cover? hmm.

The bushes are barberry bushes like these below.


  1. Your house looks so great! I love the roof. So, if I were you...I would rip out those bushes. I might make a curved area and put some plantings in it right there under your windows, like some tall grasses, a small willow tree, bushes, flowers, some large landscape rocks (like 3 spaced irreguarly). Maybe a cool birdbath, or some sort of landscape art (birdhouse on stake, etc).

  2. I would put a few lilac trees on the end/corner of the would add some pretty color and smell.


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